
course is divided in two learning units (à 90 min each) and two optional learning modules. Each module describes learning objectives. Relevant to our focus of interest ‘Fake News’ are the following topics: Learning unit 1 ● Topic 1: Introduction to the topic ● Topic 2: Taking a stand on the issue ● Topic 3: Risks of fake news ● Topic 4: Right or wrong – recognizing fake news by yourself ● Topic 5: (optional) Terms around fake news ● Topic 6: Reflections and conclusions Learning unit 2 ● Topic 1: Introduction to the topic ● Topic 2: Creating own fake news ● Topic 3: (optional) Deep fakes ● Topic 4: Reflections and conclusions Target Group: young adult students and persons working in education and training, especially teachers. All adult persons trained with this course, independently of their age, could be potential beneficiaries. Results: Make people aware what fake news are, how to act adequately; increasing the knowledge about the risks and challenges related to fake news. Recommendations The two good practices chosen cover very similar areas. The courses have a similar approach as they try to sensitise the users for the relevant topics. Also, the target groups are more or less identical addressing training and teaching professionals and their students. The courses give a precise outline of the teaching content and can serve as guidelines and as training material for the teachers and trainers. On the students side not all courses can be done in self-study.